Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Love of skiing, Love of Studying!

Isn't a funny thought that just yesterday I was marveling about how fun it would be, once it snowed, to go ski, play in the snow, and wear comfy clothes with no excuse needed, but that it was cold out. And thinking about how winter was not even a thing the past few years. That it literally only snowed on Christmas last year and that I missed the fun of winter. The darkness and the cold were not worth it unless it snowed. How I wished that it would, but that it was yet to happen and hoped that it would. But, as I began to get ready this morning, I looked out our french doors, and bam, hello snow, it's nice to meet ya! Stay awhile will you? So I can ski the winter away and have an excuse for plenty of fun ski trips. I think that it will be the funnest of winters I've had! I honestly cannot wait to don my ski pants, jacket and boots, ride the shuttle up to the top, get on the lift, and glide down the mountain, only to go all the way up again and have the time of my life, on my beautiful skies. Bought last season, but never used, and also, to buy a new pair of snow pants. I honestly cannot think of a better way to spend my winter. I don't think there is a way to spend a winter, other than to ski the day away, then ski the night away, return exhausted, and then do it all over again. Why not spend Christmas break in this way? I mean, don't mind if I do.
Whether with other people, or alone, I have no doubt that it will be the best way to spend my winter and avoid cabin fever, because winter is cold and painful and I do not desire it. Unless I can maintain my workouts and expend energy, winter becomes more of a fear than a joy. Christmas season comes and goes, and I'm left to another three months of darkness. And then spring decides to show up for a minute, while pushing through to survive until break, and then until finals and a three month break for vacation, though the extent of my vacation is literally like three or four counties. Talk about boring! But it is a much needed break. Something fun to do instead of absolutely nothing. Endless books, tests, reading, study, so much school it could make your head spin, but somehow, at the end of the year, after so much hard work, dedication, perseverance, and a few sleepless nights, I receive the satisfaction of knowing I did it for another year. I conquered myself, my fears, my heartache, and my pain. And I did it in school, where I truly do learn something new everyday, if only that I must go learn for myself, for the teacher cannot teach me. I must teach myself, and in doing so, learn to teach others.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Thoughts from Thursday

Today is Thursday and surprising it has been a very good day. I was up until about four am writing my research journal for English 1010 and I somehow convinced myself to finish it though I was nearly dead and not exactly able to read super fast and comprehending the whole thing. Oddly enough I did a decent job on it and was able to turn it in and receive credit. It was among my worst jobs on a paper. Ill prepared, citing the same source three times, and not doing as well as I could have or normally would have, had I tried. I suppose I will do my best to be a kind person, learn what I can, and truly apply myself in college so as to avoid a job I hate, stupidity, and regret. I am honestly more afraid of regret than I am of failing, because every chance I take, whether I perform perfectly or not, is a time where I can learn and grow and become more of who I want to. I am proud of myself for finishing it. Glad that I could do my best work for four am. Even  if it meant only four hours of sleep, completely missing class, and losing sleep. I suppose my professor is more forgiving than I realized unlike what I previously thought. I have never felt so good about doing so bad. She gave me many pointers and I am proud to say that I started to apply them to my writing and assignment as soon as I reached the library. Am glad to be in a university and school where second chances are allowed and where I can improve so much, gain so much, and learn to be better than I ever thought possible. Glad am I for the lessons I have learned and the things I have been taught. Though not my best paper, I am sure that from now on, I will be able to do what I must. I have redone the paper and done her assigned class readings. I understand now, thank you to her for her help.