Today is Thursday and surprising it has been a very good day. I was up until about four am writing my research journal for English 1010 and I somehow convinced myself to finish it though I was nearly dead and not exactly able to read super fast and comprehending the whole thing. Oddly enough I did a decent job on it and was able to turn it in and receive credit. It was among my worst jobs on a paper. Ill prepared, citing the same source three times, and not doing as well as I could have or normally would have, had I tried. I suppose I will do my best to be a kind person, learn what I can, and truly apply myself in college so as to avoid a job I hate, stupidity, and regret. I am honestly more afraid of regret than I am of failing, because every chance I take, whether I perform perfectly or not, is a time where I can learn and grow and become more of who I want to. I am proud of myself for finishing it. Glad that I could do my best work for four am. Even if it meant only four hours of sleep, completely missing class, and losing sleep. I suppose my professor is more forgiving than I realized unlike what I previously thought. I have never felt so good about doing so bad. She gave me many pointers and I am proud to say that I started to apply them to my writing and assignment as soon as I reached the library. Am glad to be in a university and school where second chances are allowed and where I can improve so much, gain so much, and learn to be better than I ever thought possible. Glad am I for the lessons I have learned and the things I have been taught. Though not my best paper, I am sure that from now on, I will be able to do what I must. I have redone the paper and done her assigned class readings. I understand now, thank you to her for her help.
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